Wednesday, November 2, 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me!

Some people need to be given chances, may be even more then one or two.  Sometimes you need to give respect to be respected.

I am learning this through my son and his friends. 

My son is 17 years  old, most of his friends are almost a year older then him; they are turning into adults (legally anyway).  There may be a couple of friends who have a hard time making what one would consider responsible decisions; or even at the bare minimum an alright choice.  Didn't we all struggle with this in high school and as young adults?  So many things were way more important then what really mattered.

It is SO HARD watching these kids, most of whom I consider family, make reckless decisions.  It is SO HARD to keep my mouth shut (why start now, right?), so I don't.  When I see my kids hurting, I hurt.  The bottom line is someone needs to tell them that, so I did.  They listen.  It's a joke to think that anything I said will change anyone or any circumstance over night; it's not always about words, it's about action and carrying out those words.

I love and respect these people like they are just that, people.  These kids might be on the verge of throwing in the proverbial towel at times, but I have let them know that they always have a place to come to.  I let them know that I will help them as much as I can, but don't call me from jail, I can't afford to bail anyone out!

This evening, one of the crew came up and he said: "This house is so chill...I can just sit, relax and watch jeopardy..."  To me that was a pretty big compliment.

All of these young adults are awesome human beings; all have amazing qualities and tons of talent.  I just wish more adults saw that when they look their way.  These people are just trying to get through high school; they will become something and enjoy their adulthood.  It is our jobs as adults to help that happen.

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