Sunday, March 31, 2013

So what? I'm crazy.

Yeah, I am crazy for posting less-then-positive things in my blog, so what?!?  Not today...

As I scroll through today's Facebook posts I am reminded how truly blessed I am to have very happy friend. I agree, most people only post happy things on social media. Today, I am thankful that I have so many people who know that they are blessed and share that with the world.

My son is grown, so I very much miss the Easter egg dying and family traditions that hold true when children fill a household.  I, on the other-hand, and completely reveling in my friends happiness.
Of course, they all go through their struggles. Some huge, some small, all making them stronger people as they handle each individual struggle with grace and their heads held high and still basking in the happiness that is their family and friends.

I swear my friends have the most precious kids with the most angelic faces.  They publicly cherish EVERY moment spent with them by posting pictures and stories. How could anyone reading and browsing not appreciate the love that they are displaying?

Please heed my advise; soak in EVERY second.  Keep posting and enjoying the good and bad. The ups and downs. They are lessons being learned by you & your children alike.

My loved ones are happy and even I am truly blessed to be surrounded by the contagious happiness that they are exuding.  Some of my closest friends are dating the loves of their lives, some buying new cars, others are being blessed with new babies or engagements, other are showering in the contentment that they already share with their families...either way, like I said I believe 2013 is going to be glorious year. I can see this through them, my friends and family who mean so very much to me.  Keep proving me right, I love every second of this!

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