Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pop, I got a tattoo!

Me: Pop, I got a tattoo!
Pop: What did you get?
Me: Guess!!
Pop: Is it a butterfly?
Me (nearly spitting out my coffee): Pop, do you even know me?!?
Pop: Ok...I want three guesses.  An angel?
Me (shakes head no)
Pop: (& this is the best guess EVER!!) Is it Jesus?
Me: Noooooooo.  Here's a picture.
Pop: Well, you can always get it removed with a laser.

Gotta love that man!!

This past week I got my first tattoo.  Yes, I am in my mid-thirties and FINALLY did it.  I knew there are people who are going to think that I am nuts, why now you've gone this long with out one?!? 
All of my adult life I have put every thing that I needed or wanted on the back burner for so many reasons, it seemed like the right time to do something for me.  Saying that out loud makes me sound selfish at least that is always what I believed.

I have wanted a tattoo since high school, but never liked my body enough to decide on a spot; by the time that I turned 30ish, I had an awesome picture in my head of what I wanted.  I, don't have my sister's art talent and didn't know how to get what I wanted on paper, so I waited...and waited.  I am so glad that I did.

My tattoo is an original piece by an amazing tattoo artist in Southampton PA.  I met with her 3 times before the needle actually touched my skin.  It was so cool to see what had been in my head to actually come into fruition. 
It is a different spin on the common Celtic symbol,  the claddagh, representing friendship, loyalty and love.  The claddagh means a lot to me, not just because I am Scottish & Irish, but the symbolism behind it means everything to me in everyday life.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved everyone who is or has been in her life; who has taught her invaluable life lessons and made her stronger, those people who have picked her up when she was down and gave her strength when she was weak.  You have all heard me tell that story before!  I never take that for granted, which is why I decided to make the heart an anatomical heart.  Everyone who I love has a piece of it and here I am handing it to you.  All of it, if you'll have it.

That is what it means to be friends with me; you get the benefits of friendship, loyalty & love.

I already gave Karly my ideas for my second tattoo...stay tuned, it's going to be a good one!

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