Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Compromising happiness.

Single life.  I make it look so glamorous.  Honestly, it is not as glamorous as it seems which is why it saddens me when my friends come to me telling me that they are thinking about divorce.  Ugh.  Do they really know what this entails?  Because while I know that I have handled my own situations with grace & strength, it is hard!!!

What is harder and more common, is when people come to me and confide that they aren't happy in their marriage, but "can't" do anything about it.  Where would they go?  Who would help them?  How could they afford living by themselves?  My heart breaks for them.  These people are feeling helpless and I just can't imagine that.  Of course, these same thoughts went though my head.  I was scared.  I was young, but helpless?  Never. 

There are too many people who aren't being true to themselves.  I am not an advocate of divorce by any means, but how much do people have to compromise to have what seems to any third party a perfect life, a perfect marriage?  These same people that I once envied aren't happy.  The people who I thought had it all, don't.  I cannot imagine not being able to be myself or losing myself to the point of being miserable everyday.  I hope to have a long life & I am not going to settle for anything less then I deserve.  It may take me a while to get there; with the grace of God, find a wonderful man, but right now I can be thankful that I have my strength of spirit & patience.

I will not pretend for one minute that I am happy when I'm not.

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