Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hyperviscosity Syndrome, you SUCK!!

I received some crappy news today.  I know there are other, more mature adjectives for this news, but crappy, that is what I am going with.
My Pop, has to be admitted to the hospital at The University of Pennsylvania.  He will be receiving in-patient treatment for a rare side-effect from the Multiple Myeloma called Hyperviscosity Syndrome (HVS).  This syndrome causes a thickening of the blood.  We were told that this condition is pretty dangerous because the thickness of the blood could make his veins tear, his heart malfunction, there is even a possibility of a coma. 
Holy Moley that is a lot to digest.  Right now he is home waiting for the call that a bed is available.

My dad would never admit it, but he must be terrified.  I know I am terrified for him & of course, super helpless.
My mom is so exhausted, when she called me to let me know how the appointment went, the sound of her voice said it all.  Sometimes, I think she needs the thoughts and prayers that I am asking for for Pop.  This is not the first time she has been the care-taker for a cancer patient; afterall, my brother had cancer at the age of 15.  If you ask me there is NOTHING harder on a parent then childhood cancer.    He is now in his 40's and completely healthy. She also traveled up to Northern New Jersey a few times a week to help my grandmother care for my grandpop while he was ill.  This is not something that anyone should have to get used to, but she is a warrior for the people that she loves. much as I loathe cancer and what it is doing to me & my family, I trust that EVERYTHING will work out the way it is supposed to.  Pop is the one who instilled that in me.  He hasn't lost Faith, in fact I think he has become more faithful if that is possible.  He would NEVER want me to give up.  Never stop laughing and having fun.  That's just Pop; always with a cheesy joke & a smile.  It is hard & I am scared, but cancer WILL NOT impose on my spirits.


  1. We are praying for your Dad and all his wonderful family.

  2. i can "feel" the pain, it SUCKS for everyone.

  3. Love you Sarah - praying for you and family

  4. thank you all so much for the love, support & prayers.
