Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Potential Early Dismissal...Seriously?!?

Can't sleep so you reap the benefits!

Yesterday afternoon I received an email with the subject line reading: "Potential Early Dismissal".  I knew what it was regarding before I even open it and just shook my head while I read the email.  The gist of the email was that since it was going to be so hot (high of 95 degrees), the district is thinking about making it a half day for students, because the students safety is at risk.

Then, I felt old.  I was saying to myself things like "When I was in school..." & "I remember...".  Granted, I never had to walk to school in a blizzard up hill both ways, but there was a time when we were in school and it was HOT and we dealt with it. 
I went to Catholic School for 12 years and we never had air conditioning.  I remember the teachers in grade school opening all of the windows, pulling down the shades, telling us to put our heads on our desk and 'think cool thoughts'.  Cool thoughts?  If I was anything like I am today I probably over-thought that phrase and was probably imagining what it would be like to meet Kirk Cameron (what?  back then that would've been a REALLY cool thought!).  Cool thoughts? it would be Jayson Werth, but anyway, I doubt I was thinking igloos and freeze pops.  My point is those brief periods of mini-meditations of sorts, got us through to the end of the day & the bus ride home.  OH!  The boys, those poor boys had to wear slacks (& in high school those slacks were wool) until the very last day.  Jeez-O-Man.

What has changed in the youth of today?  Are they made of wax?  I understand that a handful of kids may have issues with the heat, but most healthy kids, in my opinion can deal with the season changes as they come.

Since the district sent this memo out to all parents, you know that this will come into fruition; they have already planted the seed...

Just think, it is only June!

1 comment:

  1. i think they should go to home study so the children shouldn't be inconvenienced at all
