Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

I was always daddy's little girl.  Everything that the man did interested me to the nth degree; whether he was giving the station wagon a tune up or was just changing the oil, I was right by his side.  He built our play house in our backyard, I was handing him a hammer.  I installed air conditioners with him, painted with him, landscaped with him, & fixed toilets, just wanting to suck in any time that I could with my dad; not even thinking that he was teaching me SO much.  Now, I have multiple tool boxes and many DIY skills.

Along with manual labor, my father is very spiritual.  He loves Jesus & would scream it from the roof tops.  I have also inherited this from him.  I am not as vocal about my Faith, but It is and has been instilled in me at a very young age.  My Faith has gotten me through my life.  I have a conscience and try to be the very best version of myself.  It isn't always easy, but I am learning that this process is not one that happens overnight.

My father is also, according to many, a pretty funny guy.  I always thought he was corny, well, because I've heard all his shenanigans over and over.  He makes people laugh on a daily basis and loves to see people happy.  He gets disappointed when people don't "get" him or his style of humor.  I also love to see people happy and my sense of humor is pretty similar to my dad's.  Yes, I am ridiculously corny, but I wouldn't be Sarah otherwise.

By now I think all of you know how incredible I think my dad is, I could go on & on.  His current illness has brought many feelings to the surface; good & bad.  Overall, my dad did a pretty good job with the whole Fatherhood least with me, daddy's little girl.

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