Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Summatime!!!

You can smell it in the air.  You can feel it in your bones.  You can see the lightning bugs in your yard!!! 

Today, is the first day of summer.  I have always enjoyed the summer, and what is not to love?  Baseball is in full-effect and my son is out of school; with the latter part of that statement comes endless days for him.  Mid-week sleep-overs & bonfires in the back yard are just a couple of the things that I have to look forward to with Bryan.  I never minded.  In fact, I love being asked the question..."Mom, what day is it?"  These perfect days that just ran into each other.

There are so many summer memories.  We all have them!  The memories from way, way back consist of spending days in the pool, ALL day if possible.  Running through the sprinklers, & spending a week with Nanny & Grandpa in Summit, NJ.  No sea shore for us, we were North Jersey bound. There were also those day trips to Dorney Park, Hershey Park & Six Flags.  Around the 4th of July, people would flock to my hometown to go to the local carnival.  They were, & still are one of the very few locations in the area that had fireworks.  People literally took shuttle buses; but we were in walking distance.  Lucky us!!
Then, as we got older we went to carnival after carnival.  Looking back, I think about how gross it was and those carnie perverts.  It didn't stop us (the teenage girls) from flirting to get a free ride.  The New Jersey shore was the spot to be.  We would go anywhere with a beach!!  We made money by baby-sitting or mowing lawns, it didn't matter because we weren't quite old enough to have a "real" job.  We laid out  in the sun ALL day and had our cordless phones next to us, just in case someone called to make plans.
The year that I was pregnant with Bryan was the hottest summer that I can remember.  Continuous days of triple digit temperatures.  I was so uncomfortable and huge (Bryan was born in September).  Summers after that changed...not in a bad way.  I had this itty bitty buddy to bring to the shore and show him everything that the summer had to offer.  He took to the summer like a duck to water.  Jumping in the pool donning his mickey mouse swimmies.  Actually, Bryan is currently down the shore and having a blast. He got his ears pierced on the boardwalk.  When he comes home he'll be making his way to a Katy Perry concert.  He is obsessed and I am not sure it has anything to do with her talent?!?

This also happens to be the summer before Bryan's senior year of high school.  I am hoping that he has a blast this year.  A safe blast, thinking of the consequences of his actions kind of blast, but a blast none-the-less.

Time escapes us faster then we know.  Embrace every perfect summer day that you can & make memories that you'll never want to forget!!

What are your favorite summer memories?  Boys, Flings, Camps?
2 1/2 years old
in Florida, Bryan is 7 years old.
This week Bryan sent me a picture of his new accessory.


  1. I really loved this, Sarah. Brought back alot of my own summer memories.... bikerides to an old army fort, constant trapsing through the woods near my house, those much anticipated visits to the beach and boardwalk. fun times!:)

  2. I had all these amazing memories, picking flowers with Daisy Loo, going to the crick and throwing rocks, Ice cream with Grammy and pop-Pop, then I realized that was someone elses life!!

  3. Oh my goodness. How could I forget about the bike rides?!? Ray, you totally reminded me of the silliness we had riding all over the area. I think we rode everywhere!!

    Daisy Loo? LMAO, nice. I bet she was fabulous. (insert googly eyes here)
